Yesterday :
Ouroborology : a quantum wave as a mythical snake.
Today :
The Chan Master as Ilusionist : Zhongfeng Mingbe's Huanzhu Jiaxun
University of Califonia, Los Angeles
One day when the illusory man was occupying an illusory room,
resting on an illusory seat and grasping an illusory whisk, his
illusory disciples came and gathered like a cloud. Someone asked,
"Why is the pine tree straight? Why are brambles crooked? Why
is the swan white and the crow black?"
- Tianmu Zhonfeng heshang guanglu
WHEN THE YUAN-DYNASTY monk Zhongfeng Mingben ( 1263-1323), or his literary stand-in, "the illusory man" (huanren), picked up what he termed his "illusory whisk" (huanfu) at
the beginning of his "Huanzhu Jiaxun" (The family instructions of "Illusory Abiding"), he evoked the performance of the Chan
master and the intellectual history of the metaphor "illusion." ...

Theatre of the Actors of Regard
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something...