Gordon : SEARCH is a land grab, right now. And once we grab all the land, then we can think about incorporating more code.
Joe : Cam's got a point. The current model isn't scalable. The three of us can't keep up with the expansion. But we shouldn't add more code. We should add more people.
Gordon : How many? I mean, we can't pay everybody in Necco Wafers. You know, hiring an engineer is one thing...
Joe : What's our strongest section?
Gordon : Probably comedy.
Joe : Exactly. Haley loves comedy, so it's our most thorough, well-organized section.
Gordon : Well, then, we need experts. You know, someone -- someone who's obsessed with like...
Joe : Sports.
Gordon : ...sports.
Joe : Exactly. We need more Haleys.
SIX WEEKS LATER : Joe and Gordon are interviewing for staff 'experts' ...
Katie : : Yeah, the -- the best thing a-about a PhD in Library Science is I get to call myself a "bibliothecographer."
Joe : So you were a photography archivist at Chicago Art Institute.
Gordon : Th-That sounds cool.
Katie : Eh, hypothermic, actually, I survived exactly one winter. I'm a California girl. But not in the David Lee Roth kind of way.
Joe : Can you, uh -- Can you give us an example of your methodology? For instance, how do you organize your CDs?
Katie : Well, my, um -- my brother is really into metal, and I helped him manage his collection.
I put all of the death metal CDs on one shelf, from the simple bands like Obituary and Cannibal Corpse on the left, to melodic and technical death in the middle, eh, followed by death/black and grind/death and death crossovers, and then I put the industrial death, folk death, and barely-death, uh, at the end.
And -- And then, the next shelf was for black metal, uh, through the whole Norwegian scene, like Mayhem and Burzum, through the un-black and then the not-really-black-but-sorta-fits, like Cradle of Filth.
And -- Oh, do -- Um, do you want me to keep going? The-There's Raunchy Power --
Joe : No, that's perfect.
Gordon : Raunchy Power?
Joe : Most people just alphabetise.
Gordon : You sure this was your brother's collection?
Katie : Uh-huh.
Joe : Okay, one final thing -- How would you list a website about "barks"?
Katie : Depends if you mean dog noise, tree layer, root beer -- that's Barq's with a "q" -- or boat.
Gordon : Wait. "B-Bark" is a boat?
Katie : Mm-hmm. Uh, technically, it's a sailing ship with three or more masts.
Gordon : Huh. We don't even know the answer to our own trick question.
Joe : Dr. Katie Herman, you are officially hired as Comet's Chief Ontologist.
Katie : Perfect. [Laughs]
Halt and Catch Fire
Tonya and Nancy : Season 4 Ep 4