Dear Masato, all at once
(get a life, the only thing that cuts across the species is death)
— a play and exhibition by Lisa Radford
in collaboration with Northern Theatre Company
Saturday : 19 November, 12–6pm
Saturday : 10 December, 12–6 pm.
A beginning, middle and an end, but in no particular order.
Presented across the entire West Space gallery, this project is part of West Space’s annual commission series, which invests in a local artist to create a new body of work. Dear Masato is the second iteration of the series, following Dead Still Standing by Lou Hubbard in 2015.
Read more about the project »
An interview w/ Lisa Radford and Teresa Noble on Smart Arts (Triple R) »

Presented across the entire West Space gallery, this project is part of West Space’s annual commission series, which invests in a local artist to create a new body of work. Dear Masato is the second iteration of the series, following Dead Still Standing by Lou Hubbard in 2015.
Read more about the project »
An interview w/ Lisa Radford and Teresa Noble on Smart Arts (Triple R) »

Theatre of the Actors of Regard
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something...