In the begynnynge was that worde
translation to English by William Tyndale

William Tyndale is a pin-up at bLOGOS/HA HA. Linguist, translator, neologist, poet and publisher. A hero who gave all for equal access to knowledge and education.
It was Tyndale who, against the wishes of the King and the pursuit of heretic-hunter Thomas Moore, first translated the Bible into English. He who then had it secretly published abroad and smuggled into England.
William Tyndale was hated and hunted by the powers of his day just as Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are in ours.
With English connivance, he was tried as a heretic in Antwerp. Tyndale's last words on the pyre were : "Lord, open the King of England's eyes".
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It has been a pleasure over recent weekends to watch Melvyn Bragg, another great appreciator of the word, present the life and achievements of Tyndale : The Most Dangerous Man in Tudor England (BBC).
Here is Bragg in the presence of the only surviving intact edition of Tyndale's first printed Bible in English.

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someone looks at something ...