Gertrude studio artist Ross Coulter will be shooting his photographic series "Audience" tomorrow (Tuesday July 15) at Gertrude Contemporary. Based on 70s art documentation photographs, Ross intends on photographing every gallery in Melbourne and would like to extend an invitation to all to participate in the shoot at Gertrude.
What's required? You will form part of an audience by standing around the empty gallery, in which there is no art, imagining watching a performance that doesn't exist while he takes photographs of the group.
How long does it take? 1/2 hour.
Where? 200 Gertrude st, Fitzroy.
When? 1:30pm, tomorrow, Tuesday, July 15
If you have any other questions, feel free to call the gallery.
photo by Ross Coulter
Yes Sasha, it was the last act at Conical.
Post Script : We roughly recall that in the mid-1970s the artist John Davis (1936-1999) placed an artwork of his at the door of 'every' gallery in Melbourne and made a photo of each such placement. As usual there's nothing about any of this documented online. (Whither History of Art in Australia? Archive, archive archive!)
We'd like to see those photos. Perhaps as a double exhibition with Ross Coulter's "Audition" series?

A further post script :
Seeking more information about that action and those photos, we contacted Ken Scarlett, author of ‘The Sculpture of John Davis: Places and Locations’, published by Hyland House in 1988.
Ken writes :
"On page 85 there are four BW photos of John’s cylinder placed outside the entrances to the four galleries. The caption reads as follows:
John Davis: The Artist’s Dream (1974) Fourteen ceramic cylinders placed outside fourteen galleries and one bronze cylinder outside National Gallery of Victoria. Fifteen Black and white photographs taken by John Davis.
The four illustrations were of NGV, Realities Gallery (when in Ross Street) Pinacotheca and Sweeney Reed Galleries.
I don’t know if John ever exhibited the photographs and I don’t know of any online images."
Seriously interesting! Lest we forget.
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something ...