"All the world over, so easy to see
People everywhere just wanna be free"
People Got to Be Free
The Rascals (1968)
People everywhere just wanna be free"
People Got to Be Free
The Rascals (1968)
After 18 days of mass street protests in Egypt, centered on Tahrir Square in Cairo, today the people have achieved first demand. President Mubarak has finally stood down and the Egyptian Army leadership has announced they will oversee free democratic elections.
How did these protests begin, given that the feared Egyptian Police usually crushed any such gatherings as they arose? The Wall Street Journal has a very interesting article about this. How, by a clever Facebook ruse, a base of protest was able to be established:
How did these protests begin, given that the feared Egyptian Police usually crushed any such gatherings as they arose? The Wall Street Journal has a very interesting article about this. How, by a clever Facebook ruse, a base of protest was able to be established:
The Secret Rally That Sparked an Uprising
click here to read article
click here to read article
Here are some HAND SPACE exhibitions of the last eighteen days, in Cairo and elsewhere.
The sub-title of this blog shown at the base of each page is
le bLOG qui rit.
This derives from the famous design by Benjamin Rabier for the famous French cheese known as
La vache qui rit
le bLOG qui rit.
This derives from the famous design by Benjamin Rabier for the famous French cheese known as
La vache qui rit
bLOGOS/HA HA has always imagined the cow is laughing because, as the repeating design on its earings shows, it appears to have an expansive self-awareness.
In this Cairo protester's revision, the people of Egypt, represented by the laughing cow, have their reflexive expansive capacity stopped by locks. Indeed, in the first few days of these protests Mubarak shut down all of Egypts internet connections. Thus constrained, the cow now mocks with its MUUH the name of its limitation (President Mu)BARAK.
The outside world quickly takes up the cause.
(The world is watching. The world is watching ...)
The outside world quickly takes up the cause.
(The world is watching. The world is watching ...)
If it's a game, it's now a World Series.
Good Game!
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something ...