What are we to make of this?

Fight the Cube : a pocket-size meta-projection propaganda toy for children. There are no images on its wheel, which is entirely as shown above. That is, as one rotates the wheel through a complete revolution the 'image' projected remains the same. This from the culture that brought us, "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose." But why round on the Cube? Even the corners of this device have been rounded : Square
v Circle : CUBE
Art critic Louis Vauxcelles seeded the term "cubism" in 1908 when he described a picture by Georges Braque as "full of little cubes". (In 1905 Vauxcelles excoriated the group of painters around Matisse, as well as their admirers, as
Les Fauves (the wild beasts) and, after
Tubism in 1911 to deride the style of Leger.)
Maisons à l'Estaque
Georges Braque (1882-1963)
Is it possible that before this there had already been a children's anti-Cube movement in France? That there were anti-Cube-ists
before Cubism? It would appear so. What might they have called themselves? From this artifact,
Le Cercle de Lumière perhaps. But who knows. (*More research needs to be done on this.)
Is it possible that as a child EN FRANCE the young Georges B was excluded from such a patriotic membership? It seems likely his friends would have been aware of the photo portrait reproduced below, which is known to have been displayed in the family home. Someone pictured thus would hardly be an obvious anti-Cube candidate.
Rejected by his peers, did a formative psychodrama later play out as a petty and reactionary (rather than revolutionary, as has been previously proposed) Le Monde Est la Cube! determination in early adult life? Cubism! (And Picasso, of course, knew a good thing when he saw it.)
Or, as the old Braque family photograph invites us to consider, was Georges Braque
born a Cubist?
Georges Braque
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something ...