David Jones, artist and poet (1895-1974) begins his PREFACE TO THE ANATHEMATA :
'I have made a heap of all that I could find.' (1) So wrote Nennius, or whoever composed the introductory matter to Historia Brittonum. He speaks of an 'inward wound' which was caused by the fear that certain things dear to him 'should be like smoke dissipated'. Further, he says, 'not trusting my own learning, which is none at all, but partly from writings and monuments of the ancient inhabitants of Britain, partly from the annals of the Romans and the chronicles of the sacred fathers, Isidore, Hieronymous, Prosper, Eusebius and from the histories of the Scots and Saxons although our enemies . . . I have lispingly put together this . . . about past transactions, that [this material] might not be trodden under foot'. (2)
(1) The actual words are coacervavi omne quod inveni, and occur in Prologue 2 to the Historia.
(2) Quoted from the translation of Prologue 1. See The Works of Gildas and Nennius, J.A.Giles, London 1841.
Toxic Tony Abbott says politics and sport shouldn't mix. Yet he is well known as a politician AND as a sportsman (boxing, cycling, swimming, rugby) who regularly mixes both.
Australian Prime Minister Abbott is now a Wallaby : Fox Sports
The NRL asked their supporters who they would like to entertain them at this year's Grand Final, and they asked for Macklemore. One of his set-list of four songs is to be his 2013 hit, Same Love.
The opening lyric line is :
When I was in the 3rd grade I thought that I was gay 'cause I could draw...
This, at the same time as the national Same Sex Marriage Survey, is too much for 'Just Say No' Tony who now, as a politician, intervenes in sport to say that politics and sport shouldn't mix.
In 1976, when FIAPCE produced this art = football = politix = society manifesto, it did seem a bit fanciful. Forty years later, this IS the state of play. Thank you Peter Norman, Nicky Winmar et al!
collection : Ian Potter Museum of Art, Melbourne University
FIAPCE -1976-
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1.30PM SAT 30 SEP 2017
Join Dr Amelia Barikin, Lecturer in Art History, School of Communication and Arts, The University of Queensland, and special guests as they use the Australian collection rehang as a launching point for exploring alternative approaches to displaying and conceptualising Australian art, drawing upon the non-chronological hang as a focal point for thinking about broader questions of chronoLOGOS/HA HA in museoLOGOS/HA HA.
Panellists include:
Michael Aird, Adjunct Associate Lecturer and Research Fellow, School of Social Science, University of Queensland
Dr Rex Butler, Professor (Art History & Theory), Monash University
Dr Kyla McFarlane, Acting Curatorial Manager, Australian Art, QAGOMA
Perhaps the panel will attempt an explanation for the macabre pictorial instability* of the recently unearthed Tom Roberts self-portrait 'Rejection'.
*state of image at time of going to press
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Now we know : it's the Crows (Adelaide) to play the Tigers (Richmond) in next weekend's AFL Grand Final at the MCG.
Time to summon the ancients :
Dad barracked for the Tigers. So, this year, in his memory, we ride the Tiger.

The warriors of the past - none greater than Jack Dyer, Captain Blood.
Richmond City Hall (photo : Philip T)
The warriors of today, pillars of the Tiger tribe (l-r) Trent Cotchin (Capt.), Alex Rantz, 'Dusty' Martin, Jack Riewoldt. All hero descendents of the Athens Football League (AFL).
Tiger Caryatids of the Erechtheion, The Acropolis of Athens
Then, when the strong and the bold are victorious, Trout will again raise his yellow and black banner. When THE LOGOS HAS SPOKEN
Theatre of the Actors of Regard
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Regarding promotional image for :
Jenny Watson - The Fabric of Fantasy
MCA, Sydney
5 July - 2 October 2017
As performed by :
Theatre of the Actors of Regard
Regarding promotional image for :
Kader Attia
ACCA, Melbourne
30 September - 19 November 2017
As performed by :
Theatre of the Actors of Regard
Regarding promotional image for :
Re. Re. Re. Re. Re. Re. Re. Re. Spect (Spect)
As performed by :
Otis Redding (-1965-)
Aretha Franklin (-1967)
Theatre of the Actors of Regard
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Letters of John Keats to His Family and Friends, by John Keats
110. — To Benjamin Bailey.
[Fragment (Outside Sheet) Of A Letter Addressed To Bailey At St. Andrews. Winchester, August 15, 1819.
I am convinced more and more every day that (excepting the human friend Philosopher), a fine writer is the most genuine Being in the World. Shakspeare and the paradise Lost every day become greater wonders to me. I look upon fine Phrases like a Lover.
Fukurokuju Laughing at dot/point/matrix/text/scroll/Regard
Kiyonari Muneaki 1588-1662 and Kiyonari Muneaki 1588-1662
Fukurokuju Laughing at dot/point/Label/Title/detail/TAR
Mossgreen Auction Results - (#160MG)
Auction Date : Sunday 17 September 06:30 PM 2017 AEST
Last Updated : Monday 18 September 09:15 AM 2017 AEST
Lot Count : 80 lots
Lots Sold : 14 lots
The mood in the room must have been quite something as one by one the first twenty-six lots were passed-in. Tulips, anyone?
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slag off
- To talk insultingly to or about someone or something.
- To purify by melting and removing slag. There is a lot of copper oxide, but I can remove that by melting everything and slagging it off.
After the launch of After Words at City Recital Hall, Paul Keating launched
(into) the Balmain basket weavers.
"The man who talked about the recession we had to have (and sent some fraction of the middle class to the wall) was hated and feared by one part of the Australian electorate and adored by another. Former Hawke government minister John Button once said you could track the stretch of Australian politics with Keating's one-liners. Remember the banana republic and the arse end of the universe?
Keating's tough charm carried him the longest distance with the constituency that adored him, the chatterati he described as "the basket weavers of Balmain". When he declared, "Mate, if you live in Australia and you don't live in Sydney, you're just camping out", we laughed at the sheer insolent wit of the man, however secure we thought we were in our Melbourne houses.
He was one of the greatest talkers in the history of Australian politics. Part of what gave him the right to put his signature on the reformist government that carried Australia into the harder but more profitable world of the open marketplace was that as treasurer and then prime minister he gave a new politics, a tough economically liberal one, all the vernacular charm of an old and familiar larrikinism. "He's got a front on him as big as Mark Foys," he'd say. Or, addressing the question of a politician's privacy, "Mate, we can't even shit in the ocean."
The correlative of that street fighter's charm (which could also be extraordinarily powerful in the negative mode) was that Keating knew how to ice the cake. He gave the basket weavers Mabo; he gave them, as no one else could, the dream of the republic.
He was, in any case, a man of the word more than a man of the book." ...
- extract from
Lyrical larrikinism from the mouth of Paul Keating
Peter Craven / The Australian
12 November 2011
Theatre of the Actors of Regard (Tamworth)
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Barnaby Joyce - Leader of the Country Party and Deputy Prime Minister of Australia - likes to employ the Keating "basket weavers" terminoLOGOS/HA HA.
He did so again yesterday during his doorstop at Parliament House in which he pitted the weaving reprehensibles against "those who want a job."

FIAPCE after Issa
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TAR presents
Daruma Muralist
after Bodhidharma
after Tommaso Laureti Siciliano
after Yves Klein
after Erich and Margot Honecker
after Lucio Fontana
after Germaine Greer
after The Doors :
Break on Through (to the Other Side)
Theatre of the Actors of Regard
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Fifty years ago, 1967, Lucio Fontana named one of his classic slashed Sherrin Spatial Concept football oval ovoids "Pillola", in honour of The Pill. True!

Theatre of the Actors of Regard (for Jobe)
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See the Bombers fly up, up!
We loved the Tiger Cheer Squad's Theatre of the Actors of Regard meta-banner at the MCG last night. In the presence of 95,000 footy fans, their Tigers run-through banner acknowledged the Yellow + Black barrackers of the ages.
Theatre of the Actors of Regard

Rohan Garrard Great banner!!

Karen Duncan Wow, fantastic banner!!!

Yev Kassem Simply awesome banner!!
Game was pretty good too.

Kimi Burke Fantastic game boys! That tiger roar was phenomenal, lost voice, tears of absolute joy!

Linda Nelson Really cool banner Robyn Katie

Lynne Ramadge Well done Richmond fans ,you made the game more exciting to watch banner was brilliant roar in 2017

Jill Robertson Love the banner

Brendan Smith The best banner all season well done. If that wouldn't get your team going nothing would great team

Leanne Cadman Rhonda Cadman, cool banner!

Carol Grinsted How good is this banner !!

Paul Haviaridis Best banner. Best song. Best jumper. Two games away from being the best team. But win, lose or draw they always the best team for me

Margaret Polan That banner bought me to tears... fantastic job cheer squad...very emotional

after Saburo Murakami, Tsuka (Paper Tiger Break Through), October 1956-September 2017

Maree Talbot-Smith What a BRILLIANT run through....WELL DONE CHEER SQUAD!
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Last night at Adelaide Oval, Crows genius Eddie Betts had a first-half blinder against the Greater Western Sydney Giants.
Eddie acknowledges Theatre of the (52,805) Actors of Regard
after Gerard Whateley, ABC Sport
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weep for painting
MARS, Melbourne
above : in the arms of the virgin
by Nick Mourtzakis
after The Man of Sorrows in the arms of the Virgin
by Hans Membling
collection of National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
below : after Spatial Concept - Green Crater
by Lucio Fontana
as regarded by Theatre of the Actors of Regard
at NGV Melbourne 1971

click image to enlarge
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A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
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Stigmatic Theatre of the Actors of Regard
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