LOGOS : The Speaking into Being of the World
HA HA : from that same bag of grasping wind and gas, disruptive other sounds - burps, farts, laughter
LOGOS/HA HA : the imperfect Word, the broken Promise
bLOGOS/HA HA : a heap of such

A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something ...
[I give you my word / that I will break my word)
[I give you my word / that I will break my word)
. . . .
Statement from Spokesperson for the Hon Kevin Rudd MP
Mr Rudd has said consistently over the last 12 months that he would not challenge for the Labor leadership and that he would contest the next election as a local member of Parliament at the next election. That position has not changed.
Furthermore, Mr Rudd wishes to make 100 per cent clear to all members of the parliamentary Labor Party, including his own supporters, that there are no circumstances
under which he will return to the Labor Party leadership in the future.
Posted by Kevin Rudd at 10:22 : posted at kevinruddmp
"The truth is, if we're all being perfectly honest..."
- Kevin Rudd
. . . .
At 9.15pm Julia Gillard makes her speech-in-defeat to the media.
After this we switch to SBS for the final episode of Borgen.
It opens with a quote from Machiavelli...
...then moves to a TV news report about the latest polls.
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something ...