
Melbourne Museum Theatre
2 - 5 August 2012
Melbourne Art Fair 2012 Plenary Program Presented in Association with Museum Victoria. Four days of informative and lively discussions on contemporary art includes Lectures, Forums and Artist Talks.
Thursday 2 - Friday 5 August 2012 10am - 4pm
Free Admission. Bookings essential.
In the occurrence of a session being booked out, Melbourne Art Fair will endeavor to operate stand-by queues. Admission to sessions is not guaranteed.
To see the program for the full four days click here
Meanwhile, here's the program for
Friday 3 August 2012
Melbourne Museum Theatre
Why paint? Concerns in contemporary painting
Why paint? Concerns in contemporary painting
Why paint? Concerns in contemporary painting
Morning Lecture, 10am-11am
Contemporary painting: "Stones really are precious sometimes, just as fingers are sometimes delicate…"
Jan Bryant
Perhaps the most brutal and devastating allegation levelled against painting last century was the widespread claim that it was too tired, too weighed down by the burden of its own history, to make us think or see anew. But while we know that something very particular arises from the materiality of making and from the affect of materials, it seems unproductive today to argue for the 'supremacy' of one material over another. Instead, painting has absorbed the lessons of conceptualism, claiming both an appreciation for the specificity of materials, while also encouraging broad, non-denominational thinking. Painting has survived its premature death sentence to persist today as a resilient and vibrant area of contemporary practice. This lecture will propose that it is now possible for painting to be both itself and to be not itself, to be both painting and not painting, without losing sight of its essential difference.
To make a booking, click here
Morning panel session, 11.30am-1pm
In this place now…Painting: A discussion of contemporary, post-conceptual painting
Jan Bryant (convener)
Rebecca Coates
André Hemer
Ryan Renshaw
This forum is dedicated to discussing concerns in contemporary painting, framed by questions, provocations, debates and lectures that address directly the question of painting as a post-conceptual medium. Rather than attempting to dredge up old dichotomies or discipline-specific biases, this forum brings together an academic, a curator, a dealer and a painter to encourage debate around where painting, in its broadest definition, sits today.
To make a booking, click here
Lunchtime artist forum
Amber Wallis
Grant Nimmo
Julia Gorman
Matthew Hopkins
This panel comprises four painters, each of whom work in vastly different manners: alternatingly utilising the visual languages of abstraction, figuration and appropriation, as well as expanding painting to incorporate elements of collage, drawing, sculpture, installation art and spatial practices. In this panel, each of the artists will speak on the work of another artist — not necessarily a painter — who has impacted on the direction of their own painting practice in some way. Amber Wallis will speak on the American late-modernist painter Cy Twombly and the Russian expressionist Wassily Kandinsky; Grant Nimmo will speak on the contemporary American painter Dana Schulz; Julia Gorman will speak on the contemporary American sculptural and installation artist, Jessica Stockholder; and Matthew Hopkins will speak about the American artist Jim Shaw, specifically his 'Thrift Store Paintings' and his ongoing series of 'Dream Drawings'.
To make a booking, click here
Afternoon Lecture, 3pm-4pm
Regarding pain/t/hing
Peter Tyndall
A brief history of the typo in Art :
Dear Theo, Send more pain. Vincent
To make a booking, click here
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something ...