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A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
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At bLOGOS/HA HA we've long appreciated the over-ma(r)king palimpsestry of Arnulf Rainer. Below is the cover of a recent book that surveys Rainer's practice, epitomised here by a handmade bloodcolour markover & signature.detail
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something ...
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something ...
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something ...
La Biennale di Venezia is one of the world’s most important forums for the dissemination and illumination of current developments in international art – Bice Curiger stated. The title of the 54th International Art Exhibition, ILLUMInations, literally draws attention to the importance of such endeavours in a globalized world. As the biggest and oldest Biennale, la Biennale di Venezia has always been buoyed by an international spirit, and even more so now in an age in which artists themselves have become multifaceted, discerning migrants and cultural tourists”.Australian artists participated strongly in this year's Biennale.
“ILLUMInations emphasizes the intuitive insight and the illumination of thought that is fostered by an encounter with art and its ability to sharpen the tools of perception – the director underlined. While the last Biennale ‘Making Worlds’ highlighted constructive creativity, ILLUMInations will focus on the ‘light’ of the illuminating experience, on the epiphanies that come with intercommunicative, intellectual comprehension. The Age of Enlightenment also resonates in ILLUMInations, testifying to the enduring vibrancy of its legacy”.
- from La Biennale di Venezia website
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something ...
Manzoni whose signature assigned status to human forms and scatology; the history (legacy…ok sorry, we are done now) of sculpture which marries to the cast from Duchamp to Nauman and beyond
Still a schoolboy in Sydney, I heard about these daring adventures only later, but everybody in Australia got to hear about them eventually. Apparently there was a progressive breakfast, in which Humphries, riding towards Melbourne University on a train, was handed a new course through the carriage window at each station by an accomplice. He particularly favoured public transport because of the captive audience. Having had his right leg specially immobilised in a large white plaster cast (the immense trouble he will take to get an effect has been a trademark throughout his career), he would sit in a crowded railway carriage with the glaringly encased leg sticking out into the aisle until everyone on board was aware of nothing else. Then an accomplice would come along and jump on it.
from Approximately in the Vicinity of Barry Humphries
at CliveJames.com
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something ...
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something ...
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something ...
What a fabulous 1 June 1904 evening of dazzlements the writer has listed.detail
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something ...
for the benefit of Mr. Kite
There will be a show tonight on trampoline
The Hendersons will all be there
Late of Pablo-Fanques is there, what a scene
Over men and horses hoops and garters
Lastly through a hogshead of real fire!
In this way Mr. K. will challenge the world!
The celebrated Mr. K.
Performs his feat on Saturday at Bishopsgate
The Hendersons will dance and sing
As Mr. Kite flies through the ring don't be late
Mrs. K assures the public
Their production will be second to none
And of course Henry The Horse dances the waltz-!
(Circus organ music)
The band begins at ten to six
When Mr. K. performs his tricks without a sound
And Mr. H. will demonstrate
Ten somersets he'll undertake on solid ground
Having been some days in preparation
A splendid time is guaranteed for all
And tonight Mr. Kite is topping the bill.
(Circus organ music.)
Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite Lyrics
Composed by John Lennon; credited to Lennon/McCartney;
recorded by The Beatles, 1967