31 August 2010

Conceptual Landscape

As the counting continues, the Independents are courted by the Big Two.
I've told them that these will be the things. I'm not drawing a line in the sand but I'm indicating to you where I think that line in the sand will fall.

Bob Katter
Independent : electorate of Kennedy
Meanwhile, the serious young reader below has put aside

"I find this section much funnier", she says.

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25 August 2010

"Power is organised chaos"

Five days after the Australian Federal Election and still no government. It appears we may have a Hung Parliament. (Curious phrase : hang > suspend > suspense) Some seats are yet to be declared. Counting continues.

What is known is that there are at least 3 or 4 Independents elected to the House of Representatives and the so-called Balance of Power is likely to be with them. (Last night, in a dream, a character declared: "Power is organised chaos".)

After the widely criticised puppetry of the two major parties and the Presidential-style performances of their lead players, along with the almost total disappearance of the others, this present indeterminacy comes as a breeze of unexpected possibility.

Cherchez le candidat (Find the candidate)

The Electoral Officer hasn't seen him.
The voters can't find him.
Can you?

Hang on, what's this?!

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The result of Saturday's federal election remains undetermined. As the vote counting continues, the two major parties have similar seat numbers and there are a handful of independents who are yet to decide how they will use their power.

"I do think here is a moment where we can explore the edges, and explore outside the box."
Rob Oakeshott (Independent)
24 August 2010
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23 August 2010

New masks for old

The voting is done, the result is unclear.

Unmasking voter despair
Shaun Carney
THE AGE today

The structures that have underpinned Australian politics are fractured.

Australian politics as we know it is broken. The structures, debates, policy frameworks and funding arrangements that have prevailed for the past 20 years, throughout Coalition and Labor periods of government, have stopped working.

This is the judgment rendered by voters in the 2010 election; they did not want either side to win and they want something else...

read full article here

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21 August 2010

You live your life as if it's real

Over recent posts this blog has focused on the centrality of (reference to) reality in the 2010 Australian Federal electoral campaign. Today we vote.

Raimong Gaita wrote the following in this morning's AGE :

It is impossible to form a sober judgment when what we are told is a sham.

Not long after Kerry O'Brien pressed Julia Gillard on whether she could not see that she insulted the political intelligence of the electorate by persistently repeating ''party-generated slogans and cliches'', she announced that the ''real'' Julia was on her way back. Satirists responded mercilessly. She must have known they would.

Tony Abbott has many times acknowledged that people are anxious that his reckless and impulsive dispositions are being kept on a tight leash only for the duration of the election campaign, after which they will roam free again.

Though he often says that he is ''fair dinkum'' about this or that matter, he does not claim that the real Tony Abbott is the one we now see, his identity transformed by his serious acknowledgment of newly acquired responsibilities as a candidate for prime-ministerial office.

Whether Abbott can control the impulses that make people anxious about his suitability is a serious question, but it is not one that should take the form, ''Who is the real Tony Abbott?''

Why did Gillard think that questions about the authenticity of a politician's identity should, in any but exceptional circumstances, be relevant to what citizens have a right to expect of them, to the ways they are answerable to the citizens they govern or hope to govern?

My guess is that part of the answer is to be found in the fact that she was responding to discontent with the products of the party spin machine. Spin, I suspect she realised as Abbott does not, is a distinctive form of political mendacity, different from lying and other more common ways that politicians deny citizens truthful answers to their questions...

Even Socrates drew the line at spin
read full article here

Before setting off to cast our votes we listen to some Leonard Cohen :
The ponies run, the girls are young,
The odds are there to beat.
You win a while, and then it's done -
Your little winning streak.
And summoned now to deal
With your invincible defeat,
You live your life as if it's real
A thousand kisses deep.

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18 August 2010

that vision thing

Experience the big picture

may be the new
motto for the
National Gallery of Australia
see here

But that's not the view
when it comes to
Australian political vision

No time for big pictures
is the headline to Shaun Carney's article
in today's THE AGE.
read article here

is that article's accompanying illustration

by Andrew Dyson

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16 August 2010

Speech Bubble : I am the real thing!

"Real people don't need to say that they are real."

5 August 2010.
Former Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, referring to Julia Gillard's auto-re-production as "the real Julia".

Yes, but...

No matter what language you use, whether you translate or transliterate, YHWH's name means "I am that I am" and it directly points to His real name, which is the same in all languages.

from : YHWH True Name of our Creator ( here )

- - - -

Yahweh : Linguistic roots and meaning
The name is generally linked to a form of the Semitic word-stem HWY, conveying the idea of "being". (Semitic word-stems are groups of consonants around which vowels are arranged to form nouns and verbs). The verb "to be" plus the name of El, the chief god in the pantheon, could give rise to the forms yahweh-el ("He is El", "He shows himself as El") or the reverse, El-yawheh (El who shows himself) - the latter, but not the former, is found occasionally in the bible.[18] In Exodus [3:19] God himself, asked by Moses for his name, replies: "I am that I am...Say (to the Israelites), 'I Am has sent me to you'."[Exod. 3:13-16] A similar statement recurs throughout Leviticus, where God states with each law, "I am Yahweh." But despite looking back to the same verbal root HWY, these passages are essentially theological: they are intended not to explain the origin or meaning of the name, but to convey the image of a powerful God who will stay with and strengthen Israel.

Etienne Gilson equates YHWH with the verb "to be".

from Wikipedia : Yahweh ( here )

- - - -

Popeye : [singing]

I yam what I yam and I yam what I yam that I yam
And I got a lotta muscle and I only gots one eye
And I'll never hurt nobodys and I'll never tell a lie
Top to me bottom and me bottom to me top
That's the way it is 'til the day that I drop, what am I?
I yam what I yam.

- - - -

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14 August 2010


There's an Australian Federal Election on and its propaganda, reporting and analysis are dominating the main media. All this as
I keep returning to consider this scenario.

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Who would have imagined that REALITY would figure at the heart of a national election? Maybe in an ancient Athenian election, but in Australia 2010?

Of the two major parties vying for the peoples' endorsement, one (The Liberals, lead by Tony Abbott) presents itself as a would-be government of REAL ACTION. (motto 1. Stand up for Australia. Stand up for real action. motto 2. SUPPORT REAL ACTION). REALLY (sic) they just mean ACTION : the example they promote is WE WILL TURN THE BOATS (of asylum seekers) BACK.
Vote One : John Wayne
for Australia 2010

The other major, Labor, is lead by Australia's first female Prime Minister, Julia Gillard. She has attained this position not via a general election but through an extraordinary internal party coup. She is seeking both a mandate for her party and to legitimate her own historical leadership position. When the first few weeks of Labor's formal election campaign went disastrously awry, Gillard declared she would now run her own campaign (not only did she gain Labor leadership through her conspiracy with "Labor's faceless men", as her opposition represents it, but now she was admitting to be the puppet of campaign strategists). She said she would now be, and we would now see, THE REAL JULIA.

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07 August 2010

zeNGA : experience the big picture

Speak of the Zen Guy !


Experience the big picture :
aka The Universe
collection : Idemitsu Museum of Arts, Tokyo

Experience the big picture :

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