16 August 2010

Speech Bubble : I am the real thing!

"Real people don't need to say that they are real."

5 August 2010.
Former Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, referring to Julia Gillard's auto-re-production as "the real Julia".

Yes, but...

No matter what language you use, whether you translate or transliterate, YHWH's name means "I am that I am" and it directly points to His real name, which is the same in all languages.

from : YHWH True Name of our Creator ( here )

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Yahweh : Linguistic roots and meaning
The name is generally linked to a form of the Semitic word-stem HWY, conveying the idea of "being". (Semitic word-stems are groups of consonants around which vowels are arranged to form nouns and verbs). The verb "to be" plus the name of El, the chief god in the pantheon, could give rise to the forms yahweh-el ("He is El", "He shows himself as El") or the reverse, El-yawheh (El who shows himself) - the latter, but not the former, is found occasionally in the bible.[18] In Exodus [3:19] God himself, asked by Moses for his name, replies: "I am that I am...Say (to the Israelites), 'I Am has sent me to you'."[Exod. 3:13-16] A similar statement recurs throughout Leviticus, where God states with each law, "I am Yahweh." But despite looking back to the same verbal root HWY, these passages are essentially theological: they are intended not to explain the origin or meaning of the name, but to convey the image of a powerful God who will stay with and strengthen Israel.

Etienne Gilson equates YHWH with the verb "to be".

from Wikipedia : Yahweh ( here )

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Popeye : [singing]

I yam what I yam and I yam what I yam that I yam
And I got a lotta muscle and I only gots one eye
And I'll never hurt nobodys and I'll never tell a lie
Top to me bottom and me bottom to me top
That's the way it is 'til the day that I drop, what am I?
I yam what I yam.

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A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
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