04 August 2021

The Getting of Wis(r)dom

We recently referenced Philip Brophy's MeMO report on his own Golden Ticket tour of the NGV Chocolate Factory.

Theatre of the Actors of Regard  
NGV Triennial 2020 installation view of Refik Anadol (designer); Refik Anadol Studio, Los Angeles (design studio) Quantum memories 2020. Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. Proposed acquisition with funds donated by Loti & Victor Smorgon Fund and Barry Janes and Paul Cross, 2020 © Refik Anadol. 
Photo: Tom Ross

Many current TV advertisements are also about reviewing the wisdom of our views. Here's Wayne, looking as if at his own bee-bearded bonce, wondering if he can smash and grab some easy money, honey.

Theatre of the Advertisements of Regard   
Voice-over Man advises :

Wayne, Wayne, Wayne ... careful there, big fella.
Sure, there’s a part of you thinking, 'Free honey’.
But we want to talk to the other part, your smart part.
It knows that checking your credit score without affecting it
is a good decision. Easy now...
Chorus sings : wis(e)r

So, why is Wayne now looking at the back of his hammer-become-screen-device? Because he is still required to act stupid; because it is we who are fixed on that screen (and this screen) to the wisr owl logo.

Theatre of the Actors of Regard  
 A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
 someone looks at something...