22 May 2020

A Praise to the Four Noble Truths

Instruments of the Passion (continued)

four breath masks
four carry bags
four book cover cloths
four paintings of dependent-arising 
A Praise to the Four Noble Truths : conceived and gathered in Kathmandu (Nepal) and in Bodhgaya (India) in 1998; realised at ACCA (Melbourne) in 2006 for Juliana Engberg's The Unquiet World.

click image to enlarge 

Theatre of the Actors of Regard  
In India at that time, the air pollution was so bad that many wore the simple cloth masks sold on the street by children. Protection of any sort thought better than none.

Here now in 2020 :
- in our COVID-19 pandemic atmosphere
- breath protection masks are worn worldwide
- as the WHO investigates this coronavirus cause 
- as scientists attempt to find antidote and cure 

The Four Noble Truths :
- the truth of suffering
- the truth of the cause of suffering
- the truth of the cessation of suffering
- the truth of the path that leads to the cessation of suffering

 A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
 someone looks at something...