01 August 2018

Proverbs of TAR : to act is to sin

Jack Donaghy (Vice President of East Coast Television and Microwave Oven Programming For General Electric) : Jonathan, who is this?
Jonathan (Jack's secretary) : Oh,it's Bucky Bright, sir. He was a major tv star in the '40s,'50s and the fall of 1972, and he's your Republican celebrity for the McCain dinner.
Jack : Uh-huh,good to see you.
What happened to Bruce Willis?
Jonathan : He insists on singing.
Jack : Jim Belushi?
Jonathan : He insists on singing.
Jack : Good god. When did the party become so boring? The Democrats have all the good celebrities.
Kenneth Parcell (NBC page) : Mr.Donaghy, this was delivered to -- son of a married couple, Bucky Bright!
Jack : You know who this is?
Kenneth : Who doesn't?
Jack : Most people. 
But let me ask you a question, Kenneth.
If Mr. Bright here told you to vote Republican, would you do it?
Kenneth : Oh,no,sir, I don't vote Republican or Democrat. Choosing is a sin, so I always just write-in the Lord's Name.
Jack D : That's Republican - we count those.

30 Rock : Season 2, Episode 12 : 'Subway Hero'

Theatre of the Actors of Regard  
 A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
 someone looks at something...