19 August 2017

A script within a script | a play without actors. How bizarre!

In last night's SBS re-run of the original Batman TV series, the illusionist Zelda the Great and her clever criminal companion Eivol Ekdol watch through periscopes as Batman and the Boy Wonder enter the Inescapable Doom Trap : 

Theatre of the Actors of Regard  
 Look, Batman, a note on the counter :
 "To whom it may concern. Try interesting volume
 on top shelf last book of back row."
 Gosh! Could it concern us? It certainly could.
 Look at that title : The Truth About Bats.
 Wow! That book worked a concealed switch.
 Let's see how the plot goes, huh? 
 Bizarre! A play without actors.
 This script could be for us.
 One way to find out.
 Let's get in the limelight.
 Look, in this booth : It's a bat.
 I bet it means something. 

- Episode 10 : A Death Worse Than fate (1966)

Theatre of the Actors of Regard  
 A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
 someone looks at something...