28 June 2016

Picture your original face (Zen koan)

Yesterday's Ryokan drawing... 

...rang a bell. Matisse at the Chapel of the Rosary, Vence. His depictions of Saint Dominic.


The only face that Matisse depicts in this sacred place is not any usual face fixed upon a head but an image of a face. Not any ordinary image of a face but, prima facie, the extraordinary image of the face of the Logos, from the sixth of the Stations of the Cross, as imprinted upon the veil of Veronica.
A key meta-icon of Western mythoLOGOS/HA HA
 Matisse, Study for the Sixth Station of the Cross: Saint Veronica 1949
Picture your original appearance (TAR)

 Theatre of the Actors of Regard : Head of an Actor (laughing)
 A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
 someone looks at something...