06 September 2015

Borders | borders | borders!

Not since WW2 and the 1947 partition of India has there been such a mass movement of human refugees.

Often in such extremis, the overwhelming complexity is reduced to a single compelling image; often of a suffering child, as it was in the Viet Nam war, at the Oklahoma City Bombing and during the Gaza Strip invasion  in 2000. This time, it's the image of a refugee child at the borders of sea and land, war and peace, life and death.

 A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
 someone looks at something...


a drowned refugee child

an Official with a notebook

a photographer

an image




as described by news and opinion writers 

as received by us and remade

as acted upon in thought word and deed
Theatre of the Actors of Regard : photo LM 
 A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
 someone looks at something...