28 November 2013

Dr Who : LOL part 2

"And nothing is but what is not."
Shakespeare, Macbeth
We divert to Elizabeth's England, 1562.

Who or what is this? Is it a disguised Zygon?

Elizabeth's horse has just revealed itself as such, so why not this creature too.

The Doctor confronts the alien.

Dr Who (Tennant) : Woah woah woah! Oh, very clever. Whatever you've got planned, forget it. I'm The Doctor. I'm 904 years old. I'm from the Planet Gallifrey and the constellation Kasterborous. I am the Oncoming Storm. The Bringer of Darkness. And you...

... are basically just a rabbit. OK carry on. Just a general warning. (A silent aaaargh!)

We know and recognise this ancient scene.

Joseph Beuys: How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare, 26 Nov.1965
Galerie Alfred Schmela, Düsseldorf.  Photo: Ute Klophus
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/
someone looks at something ...