04 July 2012

O m(y e)y(e)!

Commenting on the previous post, correspondent D reminds us that the French have always been rather adventurous in their scataLOGOS/HA HA

Of course! All those old postcards that exclaim
Ah! T'en as un oeil!
It's something like 
O m(y e)y(e)!

Here is one such, a tableau vivant by Theatre of The Actors of Regard. Note the curtain and the old, heavy framed, dark portrait on the wall behind.

  "Here's looking at you, kid!"

and on the other side...

Here's looking at you, Monsieur sous rature

Why then were they so surprised to encounter again
a fountain?
click image to enlarge

A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/

someone looks at something ...