04 March 2012


Coinciding with the publication of our previous post ( Sounds of Weather : here ) a massive Rainbow Serpent began its slow diagonal movement across Australia, bringing record rains (... since 1886) and floods to many regions. In New South Wales alone, three quarters of that State is now affected by flooding.

The darker blues and reds of the rainfall map below show the diagonal impact across the continent over the previous 7 days.

Here, out the back behind this office, the frogs in the dams are drumming-up a bok bok frenzy that we usually only hear once a year, in early summer.

One other result of that previous post is the BLACK BATS tell us they've been receiving a deluge of their own, of skywalker postcards from their weather-watching umbratecture colleagues around the globe.

umbratects international_Excursion to Strasbourg_sRGB_400
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/

someone looks at something ...