09 November 2011

Name of Time : ________________

In the Waiting Room one eventually studies everything.

Today, this logo on a poster particularly engaged.

The poster headline enjoins us to

National Radiographers and
Radiation Therapists

The last information taken in (before a total re-assessment) was that this poster was exactly one year old/late/out of date - it being for 8 - 12 November 2010.

Later, back home, the internet tells me that this week is also NRRTWeek. This week being 7 - 11 November 2011; but this week may be any time, may be this week next year, say, or some other this week between, or... More about this soon.

bLOGOS/HA HA is interested in the history and technology of in'spection [C17: from Latin inspicere, from specere to look], therefore interested to learn the reason for this commemoration date.
World Radiography Day, November 8th, falls this year on a Tuesday, early in a week of celebrations to mark National Radiographers and Radiation Therapists Week.

This date specifically celebrates the Friday in 1895 when Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (Roentgen is the anglicised spelling), working at the University of Wurzburg, ‘accidentally’ discovered X-rays. Meticulous and thorough, Roentgen was in the process of setting up an experiment, using a shrouded Crookes-Hittorf vacuum discharge tube, to investigate the nature of the light emanating from the discharge, when he noted small scintillations from a barium platinocyanide coated card sitting on a bench at some distance from the tube. While others were performing similar experiments at the time, it was only Roentgen who had assembled all the necessary paraphernalia in one place at one time and would have made the discovery conclusively, rather than accidentally, only minutes later. His farsighted conclusions in that one brief moment led him to return to the laboratory throughout that weekend and to continue his work in secrecy, investigating the miraculous properties of the rays that were clearly emanating through the shroud.

Within those first few days, Roentgen fleetingly witnessed a radiograph of the bones of his own hand as, testing the penetration of various materials, he passed a piece of lead through the rays and 2 weeks later he produced the now famous first recorded radiograph of his wife’s hand……….and the future of his remarkable discovery was beginning to reveal itself.
Interupting for a moment, here is a French chromolithograph from that time. From a card series imaging ways in which the new means of see-through depiction might extend the usual.

Rayon-X : Mademoiselle's fiancé has sent her his photograph.

courtesy : Theatre of the Actors of Regard
His first original paper, "Über eine neue Art von Strahlen” (On A New Kind Of Rays), was published 50 days later on 28 December 1895 and, while many countries to this day still refer to “the Roentgen rays”, Roentgen himself, because of a penchant for algebra, always preferred to use the term X-rays, because he discovered them as an unknown quantum.

At this time, the week of celebration is designed to raise awareness of radiographic imaging and therapy, functions which may be taken for granted in the modern world, but in Roentgen’s day were nothing short of miraculous. We to should be constantly proud that we continue to provide our patients with a service that is almost magical in its expanding abilities to lead and guide medical care by providing a view into the mysteries within the human body and to reach into that body to attack disease. It is an opportunity to unequivocally promote awareness of our unique skills and of our irreplaceable profession, a time in which we should invite the rest of the world to recognise and celebrate that Roentgen’s legacy, and our resultant knowledge, skills and care are an essential part of modern life.

So now is the time to think on your display and how you are going to share the message with all the people - doctors, patients and public who come and go through your departments.

Be proud, celebrate our history and love what you do!

Bruce Harvey
President AIR

Sitting in a Waiting Room, imagining the names and histories of the divisions and seasons of Time.

Sitting in a Waiting Room with a poster for the right time of the wrong year, recalling a wonderful Goons episode about a similar situation.

What time is it, Eccles?
This Goonscript via HexMaster ( here )

What follows is arguably the most famous single sequence in any Goon Show. The show is The Mysterious Punch-up-the-Conker (series 7, episode 18). About 25 minutes in the show, Bluebottle and Eccles are "in the ground floor attic" of a clock repairers. After listening to lots of timepieces ticking, chiming, cuckooing etc. for a while...

Bluebottle : What time is it Eccles?

Eccles : Err, just a minute. I, I've got it written down 'ere on a piece of paper. A nice man wrote the time down for me this morning.

Bluebottle : Ooooh, then why do you carry it around with you Eccles?

Eccles : Well, umm, if a anybody asks me the ti-ime, I ca-can show it to dem.

Bluebottle : Wait a minute Eccles, my good man...

Eccles : What is it fellow?

Bluebottle : It's writted on this bit of paper, what is eight o'clock, is writted.

Eccles : I know that my good fellow. That's right, um, when I asked the fella to write it down, it was eight o'clock.

Bluebottle : Well then. Supposing when somebody asks you the time, it isn't eight o'clock?

Eccles : Ah, den I don't show it to dem.

Bluebottle : Ooohhh...

Eccles : [Smacks lips] Yeah.

Bluebottle : Well how do you know when it's eight o'clock?

Eccles : I've got it written down on a piece of paper!

Bluebottle : Oh, I wish I could afford a piece of paper with the time written on.

Eccles : Oohhhh.

Bluebottle : 'Ere Eccles?

Eccles : Yah.

Bluebottle : Let me hold that piece of paper to my ear would you? - 'Ere. This piece of paper ain't goin'.

Eccles : What? I've been sold a forgery!

Bluebottle : No wonder it stopped at eight o'clock.

Eccles : Oh dear.

Bluebottle : You should get one of them tings my grandad's got.

Eccles : Oooohhh?

Bluebottle : His firm give it to him when he retired.

Eccles : Oooohhh.

Bluebottle : It's one of dem tings what it is that wakes you up at eight o'clock, boils the kettil, and pours a cuppa tea.

Eccles : Ohhh yeah! What's it called? Um.

Bluebottle : My granma.

Eccles : Ohh... Ohh, ah wait a minute. How does she know when it's eight o'clock?

Bluebottle : She's got it written down on a piece of paper!

A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/

someone looks at something ...