26 November 2011


Some say the National Gallery of Victoria has little interest in contemporary art.

Perhaps the recent run of full page advertisements in the Weekend Age are an attempt by that institution 'to be seen to be' engaged.

This is from today's paper :

2011.11.26_NCV advert_TAR_ 'visitor enjoying'_400
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/

someone looks at something ...


But why does the first line of the promotional image caption say

Visitor enjoying

First : why "visitor"?
Second : why "enjoying"?

What we at bLOGOS/HA HA enjoy about this image is knowing a little more about what is actually happening : knowing that the dewdrops are suspended on strings, though this is not apparent in the advertisement; knowing that the 'visitor' is actually a member of T.A.R. (Theatre of the Actors of Regard) and is not so much visiting as performing; knowing that a fuller depiction of the scene would show the actor's braces are suspending, front and back, a meta pair of dependent-arising ideograms over his naked loins; knowing, too, the cloud of thoughts that bubble forth...

2011.11.26_TAR performer with ideogram sandwich billboard at NGV_sRGB_400

A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/

someone looks at something ...