12 October 2011

eyes BLOCKED out

Over the past week there's been ongoing news about a 14 year old Australian boy in Bali charged with possession of a small amount of marijuana.

bLOGOS/HA HA is particularly interested in the first published photo of the boy in remand : the composition of the image and the strange etiquette of hiding the eyes with black rectangular blocks.

We first saw this image in The Australian print edition. It included another boy, not named, holding up, and presumably looking at, an iphone with illuminated screen. The screen appears too bright and out of focus for us to see what's pictured there. We surmise he is photographing the photographer photographing the Australian boy (and himself).

Bali boys_eyes blacked out_sRGB_400 copy

In this detail below, we note the mysterious balance of obscure rectangles : the unseen black blocked eyes and the over-bright rectangular screen.

Forensic enhancement of the screen reveals interference from our Label mind blocks. (see previous post here)

Bali boys_eyes blacked out_iPhone with label blocks_sRGB.400

Perhaps The Australian realised this, too. In their online edition they removed the revealing meta screen. (We appreciate the appropriateness of the accompanying ads for DRAWING LIFE : MATISSE @ GOMA.)

But again, image enhancement reveals the mind of the present viewer.

A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/

someone looks at something ...