01 September 2011

Offshore Australia(n) Pavilion for Venice Biennale

Yesterday, the High Court of Australia ruled 6:1 against the legality of the Australian Government's proposed offshore asylum-seekers swap-deal, the so-called Malaysia Solution.

Several months ago we suggested here "in line with Australia's current immigration self-portrait, the next Australian Pavilion for the Venice Biennale could be sited offshore".

Since then we've been contacted by an umbratect (of Melbourne's Black Bats) who has already done just that.

bLOGOS/HA HA understands that the Australian Government and the Australia Council are aware of this development. And that their support for it is under active consideration.

The proposal is :

that International Travelers (IT) to the Venice Biennale who wish to enter the Offshore Australia(n) Pavilion (OAP) be required to meet strict Eligibility Criteria (EC) [yet to be determined]
that the present, Philip Cox designed, Australia(n) Pavilion in the Giardini be retained, but not for the purpose of staging exhibitions
rather, that it serve as an orderly, regional, application and assessment Processing Facility (PF) re. eligibility to access the offshore site
that those determined as Eligible (E) be required to fully fund own visitation costs : i.e. at no cost to Australian Tax Payers (ATP)
that those determined as Eligible (E) agree to travel blindfolded to and from Exhibition Australia (EA)
that those determined as Eligible (E) be issued Temporary Exhibition Visas (TEV)
finally, that the location of the Offshore Australia(n) Pavilion remain known only to Australia(n) Officials (AO)

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A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/

someone looks at something ...