04 May 2011

Hit Show : Theatre of the Actors of Regard

BIG NEWS : Osama Bin Laden killed by US hit squad

The front page of today's AGE depicts NOT the raid on Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan but rather those who authorised the raid, transfixed in group regard.

TENSION is etched on the faces of those huddled in the White House Situation Room, including that of the United States' 44th Commander-in-Chief.

Barack Obama, crouching forward in his seat, tense and uneasy, is joined by members of his security team as they monitor events unfolding half a globe away in Pakistan on Sunday afternoon.

Defence Secretary Robert Gates, square-jawed, braces with arms folded; Secretary of State Hillary Clinton clasps her hand to her mouth as if to almost gasp; at top left Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, stands resolutely alongside National Security Adviser Tom Donilon and Mr Obama's suited ''Mr Fix-it'', chief of staff Bill Daley. According to The New York Times, Vice-President Joe Biden even fingered his rosary beads.

How the President tracked the end of bin Laden
4 May 2011 | THE AGE | Simon Mann, Washington

click to read full article

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