05 March 2011

Let the Healing Begin

Opening today at the IMA, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane:
Let the Healing Begin

The idea that art makes us better people, that it heals our souls, is an anathema. In the art world, 'art therapy' is the butt of endless jokes. Nevertheless, contemporary art is riddled with therapeutic subtexts and strategies. Let the Healing Begin features works that address therapy. Some of the works endorse therapeutic imperatives, some satirise them, others are undecided. The line-up is a mix of local and international artists:

Marina Abramovic and Ulay, Polly Borland, Julian Dashper, Robin Hungerford, Mike Kelley, Dani Marti, Pierre Molinier, Otto Muehl, Matt Mullican, Rose Nolan, Tony Oursler, Mike Parr, Grayson Perry, Stuart Ringholt, Grant Stevens, Peter Tyndall, and Gillian Wearing.

read full IMA introduction here

pictured: art therapy group at Bonzaview magnolia
image: courtesy Fosterville Institute of Applied & Progressive Cultural Experience

A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/

someone looks at something ...