15 April 2010


As discussion continues (here) about the Trustees of the AGNSW awarding the Wynne Prize, for "the best landscape painting of Australian scenery in oils or watercolours", to Sam Leach's Proposal for Landscaped Cosmos, his reworking of a 1668 'Dutch' depiction of an 'Italian' moment ...

... here's a timely old favorite from the heap. The original regard of this, hereabouts, a V&A postcard. Verso, it is labelled thus :

Artist copying a European print on to glass.
Watercolour on paper.
China (Canton); about 1790.
34.1 x 41.5.
FE 175

Our artist-in-residence editioned a set of these in the mid 1980s.
All hands that will, to the wheel.

1792_Artist copying a European print onto glass_V&Apostcard_440 x 600
A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/

someone looks at something ...